Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Post

I planned on writing this post this morning, but it is now 6:30 in the evening. What happened was J. came to pick me up to go to this awesome fabric store in Pilsen.

It is amazing and overwhelming. Tons of rooms filled with rolls and rolls of every type of fabric you can imagine. We spent about two hours there exploring and picking fabrics out.

J. and I are going to start making bike caps for Renegade Craft Fair in the summer. We found some badass colors and accents to use. They are going to be bangin'! (Yes, I said bangin'.)

Skipped class again. Not because I hate it, but it was easy for me to raionalize why I could skip class. Tonight's was about pornography and the book we had to read sounded interesting. Its called "Bound and Gagged." Somehow it was boring as hell. The author actually made porn boring!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If this is going to be pillow talk. You're going to have to start posting around midnight baby.
