Friday, March 6, 2009

The Regrettable History of Vibrators

A vibrator can be the single woman's best friend or for any woman for that matter. Bright colors, nice ridges, the curved point that can actually hit the nice spot, but the vibrator has a regrettable history. No, vibrators were not invented by some woman hitting up against something that vibrated and gyrated.

In the mid 19th century, male doctors came up with a condition that was afflicting many women, this was "hysteria." "Hysteria" usually was visible with the woman being upset often, fits of moodiness and depression. "Hysteria" most likely developed in women due to the fact that they had few roles to play in society except be the pure wife and mother. Women weren't even given the right to be sexual creatures at this time.

So, here comes the vibrator invented by Kellina Wilkinson. Pretty much, a woman would go to her physician and the good doctor would get her off with the vibrator. The doctor didn't see this as sexual and the women who had it done to them didn't see it as sexual.(It was barely believed that a woman could orgasm, and an orgasm via the clitoris was not believed in either).

Imagine, this: Upset, depressed woman getting off by her physician to cure her ailment. Wow.

It wasn't until 1902 that the vibrator was put out on the market for retail. And thank god.

As you can see from the images on this post, vibrators have come along way. How awkward would it be to be having an orgasm while holding onto a hose that seems to be connected to a vacuum?!! Personally, I prefer using my vibrator in ways that this machine would not let me...shower, bed...with someone...this thing, well, you could probably use it as a vacuum too.

There are so many different types of vibrators out there, that is hard to choose. Hell, you can even get anal vibrators now, which probably would have the Victorians in a dither.

Here are some types of vibrators: Clitoral, dildo, g-spot, jack rabbit, anal, fukuoku, dual zone, triple zone, silver bullet and even ones that you can hook up to your ipod!

Need to give thanks to where I got my images from and Tulip (lovely sex store in Chicago) for selling so many vibrators.

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