Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sex and Stress

Your're stressed out and ready to blow a fuse. One more thing to put a kink in your day and you might just punch a small child. Hell, you barely have any fingernails left because you have biting on them for hours. You've tried the stress ball...and the outcome...what the hell is a squishy ball filled with rice and an angry face going to do get rid of my stress?
Then you try meditation, but you can't stop thinking of all the stuff that is stressing you out. Maybe you hate running, so running won't relieve and maybe even a bike ride won't make you feel calmer.

Have yout tried sex?

Sex is a natural way to relieve stress. When you have sex, especially the king where you are going deep inside someone, nerves are hit in the vaginal wall and the hormone oxytocin is released which helps calmness descend. Dr. Brody, a psychologist at the University of Paisely, did several tests to determine that sex does indeed calm people down. Even, science supports that sex is good for becoming calm.

But, I hope that if you have had sex then you already know that sex is quite calming. Post-coitus, or after orgasm, most people feel quite calm and relaxed. And why the hell not? Sex is damn good feeling and it makes you happy. How can you stay stressed when you just orgasmed?!!!! We don't need science to tell us this. Its nice to know that some scientists are interested in the uses of sex for other than pleasure, but good grief! There really needed to be a study that proves this?

Sadly, I have not been feeling stressed out to go and prove this idea even more, but please dear readers, if you are stressed out right now, go and get laid!

I would like to thank BBC News for information on Dr. Brody .

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